Tri-Valley Welcomes Four New Members to Board of Directors

Tri-Valley Opportunity Council, Inc. announced that four new members have joined the Tri-Valley Board of Directors. The board includes 18 members from West Marshall, West Polk and Norman Counties that involve all sectors of the community; public, private, and low-income.

“We are extremely pleased to welcome our new board members as they volunteer to provide opportunities to improve the quality of life for individuals and communities,” noted Tri-Valley Board of Directors Chair Dr. Linda Neuerburg.

New board of director members include Shawna Peterson, Tammy Lee, Bette Gysland, and Nick Nicholas. Peterson is from Stephen and represents the private sector of West Marshall County. Lee is from Halstad and Gysland is from Ada, both represent the low-income sector of Norman County. Nicholas is from Crookston and represents the public sector of West Polk County.